We provide totally free one-on-one coaching to seniors.

Our Auckland, Kāpiti & Wairarapa, ‘hubs’ are weekly social learning spaces in trusted places like libraries and community halls. We’re here for seniors to receive free one-on-one coaching and support using their devices in a positive, fun and social environment.

Senior looking at computer with a coach

Come along to one of our free hubs and ask us a question and learn how to do what you’d like to do on your device!

We want you to feel empowered and enabled with technology, and can support your journey in exploring the internet, staying up to date with news, connecting with loved ones, shopping online and much more. Our friendly, police vetted volunteers would love to answer your questions!

To book an appointment at one of our hubs, please call us on 0800 373 646 or CONTACT US. You are also welcome to just drop in with your device and our skilled coaches will be ready to help. 

Find a Digital Seniors Hub near you!

 We have hubs in North and East Auckland, Kāpiti and the Wairarapa.

Join our 1871 other registered 'Digital Seniors'!

"I’ve never met a kinder bunch of people and I didn’t feel stupid at all when talking to your coaches.”
“I want to continue figuring out how to navigate & learn online, and will keep coming back to Digital Seniors in the future.”